Friday, August 1, 2008

Welcome back

After months of not blogging I am making an attempt to get back into blogging. I look out my window and cannot believe that it already August. I have spent 4 weeks away from home this summer; mission trip, middle school camp at camp LRCA, CIY, and I got the chance to be a guest speaker for a week of middle school camp at Little Galilee. I have a few thoughts as I look back at the summer that has passed. First it is a miracle that I still have grass, I have completely neglected my yard. Second, I am really grateful to have Jason Davison on our team. He has been the glue that has held Student Life Worship together this summer. Thanks for the hard work!

I still have some exciting things on the horizon. We have a trip to Great America on Monday. I am 27 years old and I know the purpose of the trip is ministry. However, I still get excited about going to the park and riding all the cool rides. This will be the 4th time I have take students to Great America at Suncrest and I am vowing that this year I will actually check out the water park portion of the park. Then on Thursday and Friday of next week we have Student Life University. It is a 2 day class to teach students on a variety of topics; from worship and baptism to budgets and retirement planning. I am amazing at how many students have no idea how to balance a check book. It should be a good experience for all the students that have registered for SLU.

I am also getting excited about the return of re-Mix August 26th. We will advertise that as the date approaches. However, I am in the planning stages and brainstorming for the fall. I think we are going to make some small changes this year that will radically improve the experience. I will talk about that more in the future.

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